Laser Hair Removal, Benefits, Procedure, and Cost

Laser Hair Removal, Benefits, Procedure, and Cost

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  • Laser Hair Removal, Benefits, Procedure, and Cost
  • Date: Feb 27 2025

Laser hair removal, or hair reduction, is a painless, non-invasive, and long-term solution to get rid of unwanted body hair. It is also one of the safest and most effective methods to remove body hair compared to other traditional hair removal methods like waxing, electrolysis, or shaving.

Unwanted body hair can be embarrassing and can affect your self-esteem and confidence. Laser hair removal in Delhi can give you smoother and healthier skin with relatively less downtime. 

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

  • Long-Lasting Results

Unlike with shaving, threading, and waxing, body hair doesn’t grow immediately after a laser session. When you get multiple sessions, the hair follicles on the targeted area will die and not grow new hair strands over time. This leads to long-lasting results. Even if there’s new hair growth, it will be sparse and light.

  • Precision and Ease

With laser technology, the device can precisely and accurately target the hair follicles to burn the roots and prevent new hair strands from growing. It is also easy to perform since modern laser devices come with customized settings and different heads to remove hair from almost all parts of the body.

  • Painless and Quick

Laser light doesn’t hurt. It causes a mild pricking sensation when the light burns the hair follicles. The process is quicker and takes less than an hour. You won’t feel much discomfort or pain after a laser hair removal.

  • Reduce Ingrown Hair

Waxing and shaving can result in ingrown hair, which leads to raised bumps on the skin and reddish spots that are sometimes painful to touch. Laser hair removal reduces the risk of ingrown hair and gives you smoother skin.

  • No Major Side Effects

While Laser Hair Removal Side Effects are minimal and rare, none of them are major (though it is case-sensitive) and have long-term repercussions. However, laser hair removal is best suited for people with lighter skin tones and darker body hair.

Laser Hair Removal

Procedure for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is stress-free and easy but needs some preparation from your side. Though there’s no downtime, you should follow a few aftercare tips to reduce the risk of side effects.

Prepare for the Procedure

  • Stop waxing, plucking, threading, electrolysis, and other forms of hair removal procedures six weeks before the session. The laser light has to detect the hair follicle to target it, so avoid removing hair from the roots before the session.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for six weeks before the treatment. Don’t step out in the sun without applying sunscreen even if it is cloudy.
  • The doctor may prescribe bleaching creams to lighten the skin tone (for better results) before the session. Don’t apply any other creams that can darken the skin.
  • Shaving the targeted area before the session is done.

During Laser Hair Removal

  • In some cases, the hair above the skin’s surface will be trimmed at the clinic before the session. Talk to the doctor in advance to choose a method that works for you. 
  • You will be given proper gear like eyewear to prevent the laser light from accidentally harming the eyes. The doctor will also wear the necessary protective gear.
  • A cooling gel will be applied to the surface before it is exposed to laser light. This soothes irritated skin and will reduce the risk of redness, swelling, itching, or burning sensation.

Depending on the surface area, each session can last between thirty minutes to a couple of hours. You can get back to work soon after laser hair removal, though some care should be taken to protect the skin from harm.

After the Procedure

  • Apply an ice pack or an anti-inflammatory cream to the treated area to prevent inflammation and redness. It should subside in a couple of hours. If irritation persists or increases, talk to the doctor immediately.
  • Don’t expose the skin to direct sunlight and other chemicals. You can apply sunscreen or cream but get it approved by the doctor (or ask for a recommendation).
  • Don’t go for a swim or sweat excessively for 24-48 hours after the session. Let the skin heal and return to its normal state.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes that allow the skin to breathe. Soft fabrics are a better choice.
  • Don’t wear makeup or apply cosmetics to the face for 24-48 hours after laser hair removal for facial hair.
  • Don’t expose the skin to extreme temperatures, especially hot water baths or showers soon after a session.

The next session for laser hair removal can be between four to eight weeks depending on hair growth. New hair might grow slowly for some people. They will need fewer sessions to achieve the results they want.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Cost in Delhi varies vastly from one clinic to another depending on the device used and the expertise of the dermatologist. It is always recommended to get laser hair removal done by certified dermatologists rather than beauty centers.

Book an appointment with a senior dermatologist at Mehektagul Dermaclinic to get laser hair removal in a safe and hygienic space using the latest laser light device. Confidently flaunt your style without worrying about unwanted body hair. 


K-105, Basement, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi -110016

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